SyncFab, leading the way in Industrial revolution 4.0

Over last few centuries, the world has witnessed a paradigm shift from old manufacturing technology. There has been specially three industrial revolutions from the steam engine to the conveyor belt and lastly to the first wave of automated machinery.

Gradually, the world is being ushered into the fourth industrial revolution which is the digital manufacturing or industrial revolution 4.0. As stated by Markus Loffler who is the Director of Mckinsey & Company, "there will no longer be a difference between information and materials " after the fourth generation.

Advantages of the industrial revolution 4.0

1. Saves time
The Direct Digital Manufacturing (DDM)  integrated into the industrial revolution 4.0 helps increase speed of work and hence saves time. The manufacturing process has been shortened considerably and this makes design, stimulation and testing at higher speeds.

2. Improves efficiency
The use of Industrial  Internet of Things, (IIoT),cloud computing and analytics of things in industrial revolution 4.0 will boost operations efficiency  even further and enhance communications across manufacturing process.

3. Maximizes Security
The fourth industrial revolution brings with it a new operational risk for connected, smart manufacturers and digital supply networks; cyber. Cybersecurity therefore  remains the heart of industrial revolution 4.0 for maximum security.

With the tremendous advantages of the industrial revolution 4.0 and its related risks, any company or individual will yearn to join the best company to make  this revolutionary a success. For the best company to partner with , look no further than SyncFab.

What is SyncFab?

SyncFab revolutionizes manufacturing by connecting buyers directly to hardware manufacturers.
 SyncFab aims at harnessing technologies and connecting Internet of Things  (IoT) and Industrial Internet of Things  (IIoT) to provide high quality data for purchasers and manufacturers that would streamline processes along the supply chain.

How would SyncFab achieve its aim?

SyncFab, through its business-to-business  (B2B) SaaS ecosystem, would connect purchasers with manufacturers in the IIoT, SyncFab creates a public, peer-to-peer ecosystem whereby purchasers can find companies capable of advanced machining of on-demand precision parts production and engage participants passionate about improving efficienciesin the supply chain.


SyncFab is here to revolutionize the manufacturing industry with blockchain with the MFG Tokens. With the MFG token launch, SyncFab serves as an early adopter, protocol developer and integrator of smart contracts into the manufacturing supply chain blockchain.
The MFG Token will be integrated on the SyncFab platform to reward purchasers and manufacturers ,make payments, protect intellectual properties, promote trust and transparency through the execution of smart contracts on the blockchain.  MFG token is designed to establish  strong network launchpad built out from public-private partnerships. Notwithstanding the fact that the MFG token is designed to a serve public, peer-to-peer smart manufacturing Blockchain, it's utility is designed to be complementary to third party stand-alone solutions, for instance those future supply chain blockchains which are more inward-looking,  private enterprise based supply chain blockchains.

Time-line of SyncFab project

For further informations on SyncFab, contact us on the following platforms

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  1. I am very overwhelmed of the high standard of information and description put into this project.

    I hope it becomes very successful, because it is indeed a very described project.

    1. Thanks so much. Indeed SyncFab will be a success and we imploy you to come and join the family as we go to the moon together


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